Star Formation


A brief exploration into the first waking moments of a mass-produced Cybertronian Seeker, and how it ignited the first sparks of ambition in one particular individual.


Originally written at some point in 2022


When he’d first awoken, he didn’t know much. He didn’t yet have a brain or body to help him conjure thoughts or decipher the world around him. He did have feelings though. Instincts and emotions that told him that he was safe and alive and that he wasn’t alone.

Beside him in his sightless world of stone and metal were two others just like him, sharing their warmth and company. He didn’t have the words yet but he knew his siblings were there.

It went on like this for a long time, maybe an eternity, until he felt something change. Abruptly and violently he felt his protective walls crumble around him, and he wasn’t sure if the waves of fear and pain were coming from him or his siblings. Were they dying? Was the universe ending? All he knew was that for the very first time in his existence he was experiencing pain as his siblings were torn from his sides. He was alone now. He didn’t even know that being alone was possible.

New terrifying and volatile emotions consumed him. He wanted to fight and he wanted to scream he wanted to… to…

He woke up and the pain and confusion was gone.

He was still angry, but it quickly faded to a more spiteful, manageable kind of anger than the desperate rage he could only vaguely remember. He could think now, and he knew exactly what was happening. His shiny new brain module and newly excavated spark working together to fill in the blanks.

“Open your eyes Units 2284KO, 2384KO, and 2484KO.”

Were they talking to him? Aurgh! Were one of those strings of numbers meant to be his name? How insulting! He’d only really met himself a few seconds ago, but he knew that for whoever he was now, this just wouldn’t do!

What also wouldn’t do was the bot audibly snapping his fingers inches from his face.

He opened his eyes for the first time and looked down at the scrawny orange bot in front of him. He was writing something on a datapad in his hands and looked incredibly bored. What were the very first moments of 2284KO’s life were very clearly just another day of work for this old mech. The annoyance was short lived however and an incredibly important piece of information clicked into place. Exactly three names had been listed.

He whipped his head to the right and saw two identical grey mechs standing beside him in a line. Both had already opened their glowing red eyes. Somewhere from deep inside, he knew these were his brothers.

The one closest to him (presumably Unit 2384KO) was bouncing on his heels ever so slightly, like he couldn’t wait to get out and do something. He shot 2284KO with a mischievous smile, which was a surprise, but nonetheless he smiled back in greeting. He already knew the two of them would be getting into all kinds of scrap together. Further along was the third in their trio (Unit 2484KO?), who was looking around the room, calm and wide-eyed as he took in his surroundings. He’d probably be a bore, but that was fine.

The orange mech had apparently finished writing and had moved on to bothering 2284KO (still could not stand that name) again. Shining lights into his eyes, having him move his fingers one by one, and asking stupid questions like “can you feel your legs” and “do you know how to count, or did they forget to install the fragging calculator again?” Pointless stuff.

While the orange mech moved on to quiz his brothers, 2284KO took the time to check out his surroundings a little more. Automatically he could tell where they were, thanks to the information pre-programmed into his brain module. He was on an assembly line in a Vosian factory. He looked around at the walls lined with unoccupied chassis, most of which identical to the one he inhabited now. The room was well lit, but impersonal and very industrial. Not the kind of place most cybertronians would start out.

Usually, a spark would be given a small starter frame and gentle guidance to develop as a person gradually, and then later they’d be forged into a unique frame that suited them. That was not the case here. Someone higher up clearly wanted a new batch of soldiers on the go, and that’s what this place was for.

It made sense logically, why wait for some sparklings to mature into who-knows-what when you could just yank a spark out of the ground and slap it into a mass-produced jet frame? Sure 2284KO and his brothers would start life as a bunch of newborns trapped inside the bodies of adult soldiers, but that wasn’t anybody else’s problem. So long as they could fly around and shoot what they were told.

Which, he decided, meant that 2284KO would absolutely not be doing what he was told.

Damn, his very first major life choice and only a few minutes in. He should probably get a prize.

He looked down at his boxy grey frame. Perfectly standard for a seeker, but very bland. He’d definitely have to get a new coat of paint when he had the chance, but first…

“How do I get a better name?” He demanded, glaring over at the orange jerk and pointing his thumb at his chest.

Orange almost looked surprised at the question. “Oh, the unit numbers are simple placeholders in case your spark gives out during the integration process. It happens from time to time and it saves coming up with names for a bunch of stillborns. After a few simple tests, you’ll be given your proper designations.” He then sighed, “if you already have the presence of mind to be difficult, I have little doubt that your spark will be fine for at least that long.”

2284KO flared his wings in indignation “I am not difficult, you’re just rude and annoying and I deserve a memorable name!”

Orange had the audacity to roll his eyes, “I’m sure.”

After that, 2284KO, 2384KO, and 2484KO were led outside where they were instructed to transform and complete a few basic manoeuvres in the air. 2284KO actually loved this part, the wind against his wings made him feel right at home. Though he wished he could’ve flown off and done his own thing. He considered it, but then he wouldn't get his name. So he went against his previous plan a little bit and did as he was instructed. Whatever.

By the end, Starscream had finally gotten his well-deserved name. A dignified and powerful name that had absolutely nothing to do with him getting into a screaming fit with Skywarp (previously known as Unit 2384KO), which Thundercracker (you get the idea) had been forced to break up while their instructors and several security guards threatened to stasis cuff them both. An overreaction. He’d only threatened to claw out one of Skywarp’s eyes, and it’s not like they didn’t have a stockpile of identical replacements inside. A fair punishment for smacking into his wing mid flight and almost sending them into a tailspin.

He still loved Skywarp, but he was rapidly learning that he might be an idiot.

He’d also learned that Thundercracker being more boring might actually be a good thing. A good balance.

Despite looking exactly the same, Starscream quickly learned to differentiate them by their voices and contrasting mannerisms, which was later made a pointless discovery as they were finally allowed to pick out new colours. Apparently that was standard for those that made it out into the world. To prevent the city from being overrun with ugly grey clones no one could identify. Any other modifications and cosmetics would have to be paid for by Starscream himself later down the line though. He already had ideas.

Starscream chose a striking purplish red with silver and blue accents, while Skywarp chose a stylish combination of purple and black.

Thundercracker chose blue. Just blue. The most generic blue possible. Bless his spark.

As the trio flew over Vos, Starscream looked down and noted just how many mechs looked just like him and his brothers.

The thought of being another generic face in that crowd didn’t sit right at all. He’d have to do something big. Something that let everyone in this new world know who Starscream was. Something so big, that whenever they looked at a seeker from then on, they’d think, wow, that guy looks like Starscream. Not the other way around!

Ready or not Cybertron, your biggest star has arrived!

background image source:
Der Mond Neon Genesis Evangelion Artbook